New Website "Affair at Work" Lets You "Safely" Cheat with Your Co-Workers

Trying to hook up with one of your co-workers but don't want to get busted for asking them out at the office?

A new website called "Affair at Work" says they make trying to start a fling more discreet and allow for a way to "safely" cheat at work.

The website,, says "Don't risk it have a safe affair at work. Before you make a move, anonymously verify if he or she is into it."

The way it apparently works is a user signs up on the website using their Instagram account. Then, the person enters the Instagram handle(s) and email(s) of the person(s) they want to hook up with. Then those people can get an email notifying them that someone at work is interested, and they can sign up themselves and follow the same steps. If the website discovers two people are both interested in each other, it will let them both know, "approving the affair at work."

Apparently has already made 20 matches since launching last month. If the site garners enough interest and a large enough userbase, it plans to start charging $9.99 to view a match.


Photo: Getty Images

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