Mike Jones Talks To Silversun Pickups

The place to be last night was the 9:30 Club for Silversun Pickups and Minus The Bear! Before the music happened, a delightful conversation took place in the balcony with Brian and Nikki from Silversun Pickups. We talked about a bit of everything, with Brian's broken arm and catching the flu, how Aisha Tyler used SSPU music for her new film Axis, the upcoming charity show for UNIDOS to help those affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, their visit to the Spy Museum and SOMEONE ruined a James Bond movie. SPOILER ALERT, BRIAN!!! 

Here's our nonsense.

Silversun Pickups are the best! Thank you, Brian and Nikki, for a great conversation! 

Here's the info about their show for UNIDOS to help Puerto Rico next weekend, and proof of the legend of the Silverstein Pickups.

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